• December 2008
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Poll Update: The Results Are In and a New Question!!!


Here are the results for our latest poll!!! This time we asked ‘What would you most like to see from Nseries in 2009?’!!!

Unfortunately we only has 37 participants, a big thank you goes out to everyone that submitted an answer!!!

Read on to find out the results!!!

The poll started out with 5 different options – one being ‘ I’ll Tell You What I Think’ in which 3 people had selected but unfortunatelydidn’t leave any feedback so we chose to remove this option from the poll!

The feature that received 37.84% of the votes and what people would most like to see from Nseries in 2009 was 8+ Megapixel Cameras!


No 8+ megapixel cameras have yet surfaced from Nokia and with competition for the megapixel ‘status’ is high with the likes of the Samsung i8510 and Sony Ericsson C905. It would be great to see an 8 megapixel device from Nokia to ‘compete’ in this section of the market – preferably with a Xenon flash AND video light… please!!!!! 😉

Coming in second place with 32.43% of the votes was ‘A New Revolutionary Design’!!! Perhaps this has been answered now by the N97? Until the announcement of the N97 this week, no ‘new’ form factors have been released since the N95. What sort of form factor would you like to see on a device!?

In third place with 24.32% of the votes is ‘Improved Build Quality’. Some lucky journalists had access to a Nokia Test Centre in the UK where devices were tested in some extreme conditions. It was amazing how much Nokia devices are put through in order to improve their designs and survive all different types of conditions. What is a shame though is that people still receive some devices that have loose/wobbly sliders (for example, the N95) which is not really acceptable for a high end device. I hope that build ‘issues’ will be resolved in 2009 and that more attention will be made while assembling our multimedia computers.

Finally with 5.41% was ‘Devices With Less In Common’. We have seen a range of new Nseries released lately that have very similar specifications and designs. It would be great to see devices with more innovative features in 2009 and with elements that seperated models within the range!!!


A New Question!!!

The next poll that was launched today is:

Which Form Factor Do You Prefer?

Are you someone that prefers the traditional candybar style form factor, or perhaps you are a fan of the dual slide form factor introduced by the N95…

Maybe you prefer a flip phone the the N71/N76 or have been wowed by the flip and swivel design of the N93… Let us know and we’ll find out which form factor you prefer next week!!!

One Response

  1. I agree with the poll votes. Great poll.

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