• March 2008
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Nokia N78 Reviewed

Nokia N78

Eldar over at Mobile-Review seem to have a whole host of high-end N-series devices, two of which are the newly announced N78 and N96. The N78 is first to be put to the test!


Unfortunately, the review is currently in Russian (and will need to be translated using an online translator), but I will update the post when the official English version becomes available!

Rafe Blandford from AllAboutSymbian also has some N78 coverage (in English this time!!!) so don’t forget to check it out!


I think from what I have seen/read, the N78 is a sensible update to the popular N73 and it is great to see that Nokia are concentrating on improving and enhancing the software side of the device instead of cramming in evolutionary new hardware into the handset.

*** Update: Eldar’s review has been translated into English for us to read! The new link is: